Coaches Overview

As of Fall 2024, all coach training must be completed through GotSport

**All requirements completed prior to May 30th, 2024 have expired!**

GotSport Login

Step 1
Background Check
Approximately 2 minutes


An OSA background check is required every two (2) years and can take an average of 3-5 business days to process, pending the 7-year address (county) history search. During the months of July, August, and September, background checks may take an average of 7-14 business days to process.

Due to OSA’s scope and criteria, background checks from other providers, organizations, employers, etc. cannot be accepted. All Adult Participants must submit an OSA background check for risk approve through their OSA risk account in GotSport. To be risk approved, an OSA background check must be valid for the entire seasonal year. 


 * If your current status is marked “Fulfilled” no further action is required. 
 * To submit an OSA background check, click the blue “Submit New Report” button below.
 * Enter your FULL LEGAL NAME and complete all required information to successfully submit.
 * Check all acknowledgement boxes.

Grassroots (Rec) Coaches: OSA covers the cost of your background check. Codes are no longer required.

Contact [email protected] for questions about your risk requirements or for assistance completing your risk.

Your OSA registration is not complete until you satisfy OSA’s risk requirements each seasonal year. In the event of an incident or claim, you may not be covered until properly registered and risk approved.

Can resubmit on 06/01/2026


Step 2
Lindsay's Law
18 minute video

Lindsay’s Law is a State of Ohio annual requirement and must be completed directly through your OSA risk account in GotSport. 


 * Click the blue “Submit New Report” button below.
 * Scroll to the bottom of the page.
 * View the 18-min annual coach video.
 * Review the SCA Informational Handout.
 * Click the box to acknowledge.
 * Electronically sign your name.

Contact [email protected] for questions about your risk requirements or for assistance completing your risk.

Your OSA registration is not complete until you satisfy OSA’s risk requirements each seasonal year. In the event of an incident or claim, you may not be covered until properly registered and risk approved.


Can resubmit on 06/01/2025


Step 3
Approximately 2 hour long course

SafeSport Training is a federally required annual training with a four-year cycle. To be risk approved, ONE of the following four (4) SafeSport courses must be completed after June 1st each seasonal year. OSA’s seasonal year runs September 1 through August 31.

 * Year 1: SafeSport Trained – U.S. Soccer Federation
 * Year 2: SafeSport Refresher 1
 * Year 3: SafeSport Refresher 2
 * Year 4: SafeSport Refresher 3
 * Year 5: Cycle Repeats


 * To complete a SafeSport Training, click the blue “Start Course” button above. Once completed please allow at least 5-10 minutes for your training to sync completed in your OSA risk account in GotSport.

 – If you have previously completed a SafeSport training, your user name should be your email address. If you do not know or remember your password, click “Forgot Password” to claim your account.
 – If you aren’t sure whether you have an existing account, we strongly recommend you try the “Forgot Password” process.
 – If you have not previously completed a SafeSport training, please sign up to create your account.

 * To sync a current SafeSport Training, click the yellow “Check Records” button below to sync based on an exact match of your first name, last name, and email address. Please allow up to 15 seconds to display your result.

If a record is found/synced and the requirement is marked “Fulfilled“, no further action is needed.

If the sync does not work, please manually enter your completion code found at the bottom of your SafeSport certificate.

To download a copy of your completion certificate, go to the “Transcripts” menu of your account

Contact [email protected] for questions about your risk requirements or for assistance completing your risk.


Step 4
CDC Concussion Training
Approximately 45 minute long course

Concussion Training is a State of Ohio requirement by completing either the CDC or NFHS training. OSA requires every two (2) years.

If you have not previously completed a concussion training, the NFHS training is easier to navigate. 


 * If your current status is marked “Fulfilled” no further action is required. 
 * To complete a Concussion Training, complete either the CDC or NFHS training outside of your OSA risk account.

 – Manually upload your current Concussion certificate by clicking the blue “Submit New Report” button below.
 – Scroll to the bottom of the page, “Choose File”  to upload a copy of your certificate and “Submit”.

 Please note that all certificates must be manually reviewed by OSA, which may result in an delay of your approval.

Contact [email protected] for questions about your risk requirements or for assistance completing your risk.

Your OSA registration is not complete until you satisfy OSA’s risk requirements each seasonal year. In the event of an incident or claim, you may not be covered until properly registered and risk approved.


Can resubmit on 06/01/2025